Moon Signs

By Narayana Montufar

Book cover image - Moon Signs

Discover the real you with Moon Signs – the ultimate guide to life's emotional journey.

Your sun sign, or star sign, dictates the brushstrokes of your personality, your outer self. However, your moon sign reflects the cauldron of emotions, fears, anxieties, longings and obsessions bubbling below the surface – your true, inner self.

This fun and approachable guide shows you how to read and interpret your lunar journey, with chapters detailing strengths and weaknesses, love and compatibility, rituals to harness the power of each moon sign.

By tracing the moon's journey through your birth chart, you can begin a reflective, inner exploratory journey towards astrological self-discovery and self-empowerment.

Available to Backorder
$24.99 RRP
Publish date
13 October 2021

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