
By Harriet Birrell

Book cover image - Whole

From nourishing brekkies, salads and bowls to wholesome main dishes and divine desserts, Whole contains more than one hundred plant-based wholefood recipes for friends and family, striking the perfect balance between whole, simple, satisfying and tasty. It captures the distinct and covetable vibe of author Harriet Birrell's beachside lifestyle, one where her priorities are good food, wellness, surfing and family. Harriet’s philosophy is all about celebrating and enjoying the abundance of wholefood available and preparing it in a way that is easy and tasty. Refined white sugar is replaced with whole vitamin- and mineral-rich ingredients such as mejdool dates, banana and maple syrup. Refined flours are replaced with minimally processed whole grains. Only a few recipes contain gluten and these are accompanied by gluten-free alternatives in the notes.

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$50.00 RRP
Publish date
01 February 2019
Food & Drink

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